Transcriptome Sequencing
Sequencing Services
What is the difference between RNA-Seq and DNA sequencing technologies?
The key difference between DNA sequencing strategies and RNA sequencing strategies is the degree of variability each method is able to detect. DNA sequencing methods such as shotgun mentagenomics and 16s rRNA sequencing are more tailored towards "presence" or "absence". Transcriptome sequencing however is allows researchers the opportunity to measure expression levels under certain conditions. Prior to next-generation sequencing technology, one of the more popular ways to complete transcriptome research was by the use of micrroarrays, but like all technologies, microarrays have their drawbacks. A key disadvantage of hybridization techniques such as microarrays is the necessity for a reference genome thereby eliminating the opportunity to evaluate novel transcripts. But, with NGS technology being readily available, a priori knowledge is no longer an issue. The method used to investigate transcripts by way of next-generation sequencing is more commonly known as RNA-seq. By converting RNA to cDNA, researchers are able to perform transcriptome sequencing much like they would genome sequencing.
The adaptability of RNA-seq technology allows researchers to tailor their sequencing method to best fit their needs. In addition to total RNA sequencing, researchers are also able to target mRNAs, specific transcripts, and small RNAs. The flexibility of RNA-seq combined with the sequencing depth of next-generation sequencing platforms provide you with the opportunity monitor gene regulation, gene expression, and and gene silencing with greater specificity than previous technologies.
MR DNA (aka MRS RNA) offers a comprehensive array of sequencing services for RNA samples. If you do not see the specific methods of interest just email or call and we can custom build and perform virtually any type of RNA based project including the subsequent analyses.
- 2x150bp 10-20 million paired sequences per sample = $600 (data only)
- 2x300bp 1-2 million sequences = $700 (data only)
- 2x250bp 10 million sequences = $1000 (data only)
- 2x250bp 4 million sequences = $700 (data only)
--- Ribosomal depletion (new lower pricing) if needed for metatranscriptomes or bacterial transcriptomes= $300
-- DNA Extraction starting at $25 / sample (depending on service requested and sample type submitted)
-- RNA Extraction starting between $30 - $70 / sample (depending on service requested and sample type submitted)
We are excited to now offer Takara Bio's SMARTer® Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit as a part of our comprehensive RNA sequencing services. Pairing this T-cell receptor kit with our high-throughout sequencers, such as Illumina's NovaSeq 6000, will allow investigators to take their research in immunology and treatment response to new heights. TCR (T-cell receptor) repertoire analysis, just like any other microbiological process, has advanced as the technology has advanced. Once limited to techniques such as flow cytometry and Sanger sequencing, or even dated NGS techniques, TCR repertoire analysis has been limited in its power and scope. The key to TCR repertoire analysis is in the ability to sequence both the alpha AND beta chains of T-cell receptors and the SMARTer® Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit is able to do just that. The SMARTer® Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit is able to span the entire V(D)J variable region of alpha and/or beta TCR transcripts and thereby increase sensitivity in detection of rare variants and increase its power to elucidate splicing events and clonotypes. Interested in the newest RNA sequencing service offered by MRDNA? Contact us for more information on turnaround time and pricing.
PacBio Full-Length Transcript Sequencing (Iso-Seq)
Discover Full-Length RNA Sequencing – No Assembly Required. Here at MR DNA, Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) Sequencing and the Iso-Seq method allow you to generate full-length cDNA sequences – no assembly required – to characterize transcript isoforms within targeted genes or across an entire transcriptome.
Join our users to benefit from the Iso-Seq method:
BIOINFORMATICS FOR transcriptome or other RNA based projects
everything is custom quoted but for good example see the following:
Standard costs example for comparing two groups with RNAseq is only $200
Usual costs for annotation of a small transcriptome with assembly is $250
NOTE: We have extensive range of bioinformatics services. just shoot us an email or give us a call of course if you do not see what you need on the website! We are here to work and help always!
While certain sequencing methods are able to identify which genes are present in a particular organism, often times it is not enough to only know the identity of these genes without also knowing their expression level. Therein lies the value of whole transcriptome sequencing. By combining the power of total RNA sequencing with the technology of any one of our NGS platforms, MR DNA is able to assist researchers reach new heights in the field of transcriptomics. From monitoring the genetic expression of potential disease causing variants to discovering novel transcripts, our ability to offer customers access to multiple sequencing platforms affords us the opportunity to customize a low cost whole transcriptome sequencing solution to fit their needs.
Below is a list of some of the RNA-seq pricing options that are most commonly requested by our customers. However, as members of the scientific community, we understand that not all projects are identical and as such our pricing options are not all identical. It is our top priority to customize your transcriptome sequencing package to best fit your needs. Whether you need to reach a sequencing depth that can only be accomplished by greater than 10 million reads or have a large scale project that would be otherwise cost ineffective at these prices, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have had the distinct pleasure of working with researchers from around the world and are here to make sure we have the opportunity to collaborate with you.