Targeted Resequencing
Sequencing Services
Why Should I Choose Targeted Sequencing over Whole Genome Sequencing?
Ideally, as scientists, we would have unlimited time and an endless budget to complete our research and present our results in their purest form. Unfortunately, neither of these is possible and often times we find our research questions being manipulated by both time and money available. Herein lies the beauty of targeted resequencing. Whole genome sequencing, while eye-catching in a journal publication, can be costly, time intensive, and not always necessary. If you're research question is focused on one specific gene or area of the genome, it is unnecessary and quite frankly a waste of time to sequence the entire genome. You would be better served by investing your time and resources in a more targeted sequencing approach. Focusing sequencing power is one of the resources that provides researchers the greatest benefit with regards to targeted resequencing methods. While next-generation sequencing is constantly generating more reads than the scientific community ever thought possible, because those reads would be dispersed across the genome and not focused on your area of interest there is a chance you may miss low abundance variants.
One of the most notable targeted sequencing alternatives to whole genome sequencing is whole exome sequencing. WES focuses strictly on the protein coding portion of the genome, which is approximately 1% of the human genome. One of the benefits of choosing WES over WGS is that you are able to eliminate a significant amount data to sift through all the while maintaining the ability to detect a majority of disease causing variants. Amplicon sequencing is another popular targeted sequencing method for investigating a specific gene or set of genes. Whether it is designing a custom gene panel or taking advantage of our extensive catalog of 16s, 18s, or ITS primers, we can increase the coverage of your target by 15-fold in comparison to whole genome sequencing.
Targeted Resequencing methods bring invaluable specificity to next generation sequencing. The capability to target a specific genomic region(s) of interest allows researchers to complete studies with a level of cost-effectiveness and efficiency previously unattainable. By eliminating the need to sequence the entire genome of an organism and instead isolate and amplify a particular region, researchers are able to reduce the amount of time and labor required to sequence their samples thereby making targeted resequencing an affordable sequencing solution. Additionally, by joining the ability to target a specific region with the technology of next generation sequencing platforms, researchers are able to focus the high-throughput power that NGS provides and obtain the proper depth of coverage in order to detect the rarest of variants. Contact us to see which targeted resequencing method is correct for you.