Small RNA Sequencing
Sequencing Services
Why Should I Choose Small RNA Sequencing?
There is a natural progression that all researchers go through when deciding on the best sequencing method to complete their project. The first decision that must be made is whether or not you want to focus on the genome or the transcriptome. Once you've decided on sequencing the transcriptome, there are still a few options to consider. Do you want to sequence the Total RNA, the mRNA, or small RNA such as miRNA. Each one of these RNAs can be successfully sequenced using RNA-seq technology, so it is not enough to decide you want to use RNA-seq to complete your project. It is important to know the advantages and limitations of each sequencing method.
Total RNA sequencing, otherwise known as whole transcriptome sequencing, provides the most comprehensive approach to RNA sequencing. Total RNA-seq allows the researcher to investigate both coding and non-coding RNA. Similar to the debate on whole genome sequencing vs. whole exome sequencing, some of the same arguments can be made when trying to decide between total RNA-seq and mRNA sequencing. Again, similar to whole exome sequencing, mRNA sequencing targets only the coding RNA, which makes up less than 4% of the whole transcriptome. By honing in on the mRNA specifically, researchers are able to detect lower expression levels of certain transcripts than would be possible by total RNA sequencing.
Each of the previously mentioned RNA sequencing methods allow the researcher to investigate gene expression. Where small RNA sequencing comes into play is when the researcher decides to investigate gene expression regulation. miRNAs are small RNA molecules that range on average between 20-25 nucleotides. Through a variety of processes, miRNA are able to completely silence a gene or at the very least down regulate that gene's transcription thereby affecting the level of gene expression. Small RNA sequencing provides researchers an opportunity to gain a deeper insight into gene expression regulation under certain conditions.
One of the amazing benefits of next generation sequencing is the ability to sequence small RNAs. While small RNA sequencing has been successful prior to NGS, it has not always been possible to sequence novel small RNAs. MR DNA is able to utilize small RNA sequencing procedures that do not rely on hybridization techniques, thereby allowing researchers to discover small RNAs without having a priori knowledge of the desired target. By joining small RNA-seq technology with next generation sequencing, the team at MR DNA is proud to remove the limitations of alternative techniques and unleash the power of small RNA sequencing. Contact us to discover more about our low cost sequencing solutions.